Woman gives birth after being pregnant for 14 years

 I do not know if you can believe this but, Mercy James (Picture above) miraculously gave birth to a baby girl after 14 years of being pregnant. 

The baby was promptly and aptly christined Miracle. And why not? If the mother had delivered at the expected time the child would have been a teenager by now and possibly in secondary school at the JSS 3 level. 

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Saturday June 7, 2014, will remain the happiest day in the life of Mercy James. Reason? That was the day she miraculously gave birth to a baby girl after 14 years of being pregnant. - See more at: http://www.vanguardngr.com/2014/06/incredible-woman-gives-birth-14-years-pregnancy/#sthash.Fc1gGD9A.dpuf
