Couple sentenced to life in jail for raping foster daughter and filming the act

 A husband and wife will spend the rest of their lives in prison after using their foster daughter as a sex toy. Matthew David and Patricia Allana Ayers, were given the maximum sentence of a combined total of 2,340 years in prison following their conviction on more than 100 counts of production of child pornography.

A federal judge in Florence, Alabama, sentenced the couple to hundreds of years in prison for exploiting and sexually abusing a minor child in their custody to produce images of child pornography, announced U.S. Attorney Joyce White Vance and FBI Special Agent in Charge Richard D. Schwein Jr. U.S. District Judge L. Scott Coogler sentenced Patricia Allana Ayers, 34, to 1,590 years in prison and her husband, Matthew David Ayers, 42, to 750 years in prison.

The government had requested those sentences, the maximums possible. The couple pleaded guilty in June to multiple charges related to 53 pornographic images of the child when the child was six to nine years old. The images included photographs of the adults engaging in sex acts with the child.

 Patricia Ayers pleaded guilty to 53 counts of producing child pornography, and Matthew Ayers pleaded guilty to 25 counts of production. “This is the worst case I have personally dealt with, including murders,” Judge Coogler told the defendants. “You robbed this child of her childhood and her soul, and a maximum sentence is the only sentence appropriate.”

 In their plea agreements with the government, both acknowledged that they took photographs of the child engaged in lewd and lascivious poses, and that they each engaged in sexual acts with the child that the other adult photographed.

 Patricia Ayers sent pornographic images of the child by email to a man in Texas, and told him in email messages that she would bring the child to him so that he could have sexual relations with the child.
