W-E-I-R-D ! ! ! This Girl Eats 2 Large Bathing Sponges A Week

 19-year-old Rosie Skinner from the UK town of Epsom, Surrey, craves sponges and eats at least two a week by cutting each sponge into small pieces and then sucks on each chunk throughout the day.

She even satisfies her spongy craving during class lectures at Reigate Sixth Form College, where she is a student.
“I have always loved the smell of a wet sponge. I crave that damp taste and feeling in my mouth,” she said, according to the Irish Mirror.
“I like the texture as well, it’s a bit like eating cake. I might try one with some icing on one day. If I have a stressful day I love to treat myself to snack on a sponge to relax.”
Skinner’s taste for sponges began when she was 5. There have been times when, like most sponges, her addiction got her in hot water.
She once lost a tooth while eating a sponge and had to explain to her mom how that happened.
When she was 13, doctors had to remove a large ball of sponge that was stuck in her stomach.
“It was a bit of a weird situation.
I started having stomach aches and then they developed into really severe pains,” she said, according to the Express.
“I was rushed to the hospital where doctors removed a ball the size of a small mouse from my stomach.”

Although the doctors told Skinner to stop eating sponges, she admits that’s hard for her to stomach.
