99-year-old great-grandmother told she is pregnant

 A woman received a letter from the hospital informing her that she was pregnant.
However Doris Ayling was fairly certain they had made a mistake, considering she is nearly 100-years-old.

Doris, 99, was stunned to see the letter, which asked her to bring a urine sample to an antenatal appointment, even had her date of birth correct.

Of course her three children, all of whom are pensioners themselves, are not about to get a new sibling, and Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust apologised to Doris and her family, blaming the mix up on an ‘administrative error’.

Doris, of Bognor Regis, West Sussex, told the Sun: ‘I’m almost 100 so how can I be expecting?

‘I have three children and 20 grandchildren — but I haven’t been pregnant for 70 years.’
Her 76-year-old son Brian also managed to see the funny side.

‘It’s very amusing. She’s got enjoyment out of it and everyone had a good laugh. It’s just one of those things,’ he said.
