Woman convicted of ‘assaulting a police officer with her breasts’

A woman has been convicted for assaulting a police officer using… wait for it… her breasts.
Ng Lai-ying, a 30-year-old woman from Hong Kong, was arrested after allegedly assaulting a police officer during a protest on March 1.

In court Lai-ying claimed that an officer had reached out to grab her bag, but had made contact with her breast instead, at which point she allegedly screamed out ‘indecent assault!’.

However the magistrates did not believe her story, and even accused her of using her ‘female identity to trump the allegation that the officer had molested you’, which they called a ‘malicious act’, according to the South China Morning Post.

While there are no details of what injuries the officer received (of how it is even possible to injure someone with your breasts), officer Chan Ka-po asserted that Lai-ying ‘bumped’ his arm with her breast.

Footage from the protest showed Lai-ying with blood streaming from her nose, leading many to claim that she was in fact the person assaulted during the arrest.
